In modern technology, sometimes we need to rotate an image like 90′, 180′, 270′, 360′ etc. It has a very easy technique to do this change in your php code. Follow the below instruction to do image rotation php.
Example Code
$deg = 90; //Suppose, we want to rotate 90 degree $img = 'natural.jpg'; // Image name $arr = explode("/",$img); $imgname = $arr[count($arr)-1]; $arr = explode(".",$imgname); $ext = $arr[count($arr)-1]; $file_path = 'root/images/natural.jpg'; // Your file directory path if($ext=='jpg' or $ext=='jpeg') { ob_start(); $source = imagecreatefromjpeg($file_path) or notfound(); $rotate = imagerotate($source,$deg,0); ob_end_clean(); imagejpeg($rotate,$file_path); } else if($ext=='png') { ob_start(); $source = imagecreatefrompng($file_path) or notfound(); $transparency = imagecolorallocatealpha( $source,0,0,0,127 ); $rotate = imagerotate($source,$deg,$transparency); imagealphablending( $rotate, false ); imagesavealpha( $rotate, true ); ob_end_clean(); imagepng($rotate,$file_path); } imagedestroy( $source ); imagedestroy( $rotate );